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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sending emails from oJob

Sending emails from oJob is made easy due to the oJobEmail.yaml include from the oJob-common opack. As we other common ojobs the idea is to be easy to use. Let's look at a very simple example:

    - oJob-common

  - oJobEmail.yaml

  # -----------------------
  - name: Send a test email
    to  : oJob Send email
      from       : ""
      server     : ""         # for example
        user: ""
        pass: "myAppPassword"
      useSSL     : true
      useTLS     : true
      to         : ""
      subject    : "My test email"
      output     : "This is a test email to test sending emails from oJob"
      debug      : false

  - Send a test email

This example will send an email from to with a test subject a email message.

SMTP server settings

Depending on the SMTP email servers you might need to use different settings:

Setting Type Default Description
useSSL boolean false If the SMTP connection should use SSL (can use also TLS).
useTLS boolean false If the SMTP connection should use TLS (can use also SSL).
port number 25/587/465 Specify the port to contact the SMTP server.
server string n/a The server address.
credentials map n/a A map with user and pass to use to authenticate on SMTP servers.
debug boolean false Very useful to debug SMTP connections by showing all the communication between oJob and the SMTP server.

Email basic settings

For the email specifics you can see in the example the use of the from, to, subject and output fields. The other possible fields are also the obvious:

Setting Type Description
from string A string representing the "from" address.
to string/array An array or a string of "to" addresses.
cc string/array An array or a string of "cc" addresses.
bcc string/array An array or a string of "bcc" addresses.
subject string The text subject of the email message.
output string The text message of the email message.
isHTML boolean Specifies, if true, that the output is in HTML format.
altOutput string If isHTML = true and the end client doesn't support HTML this will be the alternative output to show.

Sending attachments

To send any file as an attachment just use "addAttachments":

        - name    : file.txt
          file    : /some/path/file.txt
        - name    : secondFile.txt
          file    : /some/path/secondFile.txt

Adding images to HTML emails

You have three options:

Embed image URLs

      isHTML   : true
      output   : "<html>...<img src=\"cid:myimage\"/>...</html>"
        - name: myimage
          url : https://some.server/some/image.jpg

Embed image files

      isHTML        : true
      output        : "<html>...<img src=\"cid:myimage.png\"/>...</html>"
        - name    : myimage.png
          file    : /some/path/myimage.png

Automatic embedding images and reference them by URL

      isHTML   : true
      output   : "<html>...<img src="https://some.server/some/image.jpg"/>...</html>"
        - https://some.server/some/image.jpg

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