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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Getting a DB table's columns/fields

Ever wonder how the OpenAF-console can do commands like "dsql" to list all the columns of a table (or a database object) and quickly? It's all on the JDBC metadata for any query over all columns. No need to go to the specific database column catalog.

Getting the metadata

For each of the tables identified on the catalog of the corresponding database:

  1. Performe a simple query to access the table's metadata BUT getting the JDBC ResultSet object:
var db = new DB(jdbcURL, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword);
var rs = db.qsRS("select * from \"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\"");

Note: If you want to use a specific JDBC driver class just replace by "new DB(jdbcDriver, jdbcURL, jdbcUsername, jdbcPassword)" otherwise it will try to guess from the jdbcURL for known drivers.

  1. Get the number of columns from the JDBC ResultSet object:
var numberOfColumns = rs.getMetadata().getColumnCount();
  1. Get the columns' metadata:
var columns = []; 
for(let ci = 1; ci <= numberOfColumns; ci++) { 
        name : rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(ci), 
        type:  rs.getMetaData().getColumnTypeName(ci).toUpperCase(), 
        size : rs.getMetaData().getColumnDisplaySize(ci),
        scale: rs.getMetaData().getScale(ci) 
  1. (please) Close the result set object and any possible transaction (e.g. because PostgreSQL):

And there you have it, a columns array where each map entry has the necessary column information of the specific table:

> table columns
     name      |  type   |size|scale
ID             |NUMERIC  |11  |0
SOME           |VARCHAR  |35  |0
TKEY           |VARCHAR  |512 |0
VALUE          |NUMERIC  |25  |6
CREATED_BY     |VARCHAR  |64  |0
[#8 rows]

What about the list of tables?

Ok, for the list of tables you might really need to go the database's catalog. Here are some examples:


To get all tables in a specific Oracle schema:

var tables = mapArray(db.qs("select owner || '.' || table_name from all_tables where owner = ?", ['mySchema'], true).results, [ "table_name" ]);


To get all tables in a specific PostgreSQL schema:

var tables = mapArray(db.qs("select table_schema || '.' || table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = ?", ['mySchema'], true).results, [ "table_name" ]);


To get all tables in a specific H2 schema:

var tables = mapArray(db.qs("select table_schema || '.' || table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = ?", ['mySchema'], true).results, [ "table_name" ]);

Note: Yes, it's equal to PostgreSQL


  1. Only missing the NULL/NOT NULL ;-) and the PK(s) info

    1. For that you will really need to go the (postgresql/h2) information_schema.columns + information_schema.constraints (where CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY') or (oracle) all_tab_cols + all_constraints. A simple query can return you all that extra info but it will have to specific to the database you are using.


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