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Thursday, September 12, 2019

How to upload/download files from a Window/SMB share folder

The OpenAF's SMB plugin (or the SaMBa plugin, or the Server Message Block plugin) can be added by installing the "plugin-smb" oPack. It allows scripts to upload, download, remove and list files on a remote Windows/Samba share (depending on the user's permission, of course).

(note: it supports SMBv3)

How to install it

Just execute:

opack install plugin-smb

How to use it

After installing you need to include the SMB plugin on your code:


Now you can create any javascript object instance to access a SMB URL on a given domain with the corresponding user and password:

var smb = new SMB("smb://my.server/myShare", "mydomain", "myuser", "mypassword");

Listing files on a share folder

To list the files on a specific folder you can use the .listFiles function:

> smb.listFiles("smb://my.server/myShare/aFolder");
| files: | [0] |     filename: | a/                                                     |
|        |     |     filepath: | smb://my.server/myShare/aFolder/a/                     |
|        |     |         size: | 0                                                      |
|        |     |  permissions: | <all permissions>                                      |
|        |     | lastModified: | 1552671846146                                          |
|        |     |   createTime: | 1302948583597                                          |
|        |     |  isDirectory: | true                                                   |
|        |     |       isFile: | false                                                  |
|        | [1] |     filename: | Thumbs.db                                              |
|        |     |     filepath: | smb://my.server/myShare/aFolder/Thumbs.db              |
|        |     |         size: | 99328                                                  |
|        |     |  permissions: | <all permissions>                                      |
|        |     | lastModified: | 1555318143997                                          |
|        |     |   createTime: | 1379322293251                                          |
|        |     |  isDirectory: | false                                                  |
|        |     |       isFile: | true                                                   |

Notice that the filepath entry is the prebuilt URL you can use to list another sub-folder, for example.

Downloading a file from a share folder

To download a file you just need to provide the SMB URL:

> smb.getFile("smb://my.server/myShare/aFolder/Thumbs.db", "theOtherThumbs.db");

It will return you the number of bytes transfered.

You can also use .getFileBytes to handle the download content as an internal array of bytes instead of saving to a file and .getInputStream to receive a stream to handle the download. Check the corresponding help information on the openaf-console.

Uploading a file to a share folder

To upload a file it's similar to the download, reversing the arguments for the .putFile function:

> smb.putFile("readme.txt", "smb://my.server/myShare/aFolder/readme.txt");

It will also return you the number of bytes transfered.

As with the .getFile function you also have the functions .writeFileBytes to upload content directly from an internal array of bytes instead of a local file and .writeFileStream to upload directly from a stream. Check the corresponding help information on the openaf-console. There is also an extra argument to append content to an existing file on the remote share folder.

Removing a file from a remote share folder

To delete a file from a remote share folder just use the .rm function:


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